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Write a program in assembly language to read a letter from user then find it is a Vowel Letter or Constant Letter | Vowel or Constant Chatacter

In This Post We Discuss a program in assembly language to read a letter from user then find it is a Vowel Letter or Constant Letter 

Problem Statement :

Write a program in assembly language to read a letter from user then find it is a Vowel Letter or Constant Letter 

Program in Assembly Language:

.model small


  msg1 db 10,13,"Enter Character : $" 

  vowel db 10,13,"You Enter Vowel Character $" 

  const db 10,13,"You Enter Constant Character $"



main proc

     mov ax,@data

     mov ds,ax


     mov dx,offset msg1

     mov ah,9h

     int 21h


     mov ah,1h

     int 21h


     cmp al,'A'

     je vwl

     cmp al,'a'

     je vwl 

     cmp al,'E'

     je vwl

     cmp al,'e'

     je vwl 

     cmp al,'I'

     je vwl

     cmp al,'i'

     je vwl  

     cmp al,'O'

     je vwl

     cmp al,'o'

     je vwl 

     cmp al,'U'

     je vwl

     cmp al,'u'

     je vwl 


     mov dx,offset const

     mov ah,9

     int 21h

     jmp Quit



     mov dx,offset vowel

     mov ah,9

     int 21h



     mov ah,4ch

     int 21h     

main endp

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