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How to Check a Cumber is Even or Odd in Assembly Language

 Write a Program in Assembly Language to That Input a Number and Then Find the Number is Even or Odd

Program Source Code

org 100h

.model small  


    msg1 db 10,13,"Enter Number:$"

    msg2 db 10,13,"Number is Even..$"

    msg3 db 10,13,"Number is Odd..$"


main proc

       mov ax,@data

       mov ds,ax


       lea dx,msg1

       mov ah,9

       int 21h


       mov ah,1

       int 21h


       mov bl,2

       div bl      

       cmp ah,0  

       je even  

       lea dx,msg3

       mov ah,9

       int 21h

       mov ah,4ch

       int 21h    


       lea dx,msg2

       mov ah,9

       int 21h 

main endp


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