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What is Correctness Rules of Fragmentation?

What is Correctness Rules of Fragmentation?

There Three Correctness Rules
  1. Completeness
  2. Reconstruction
  3. Disjointness


If relation R is decomposed into fragments R1,R2,……Rn .
Each data item that can be found in R must appear in at least one fragment


Reconstruction: it should be possible to define a relational operator such that the original relation can be reconstructed

R = g(R1, R2, …, Rn)
Reconstruction ensures that the dependencies of the original relation are preserved in fragmentation

Must be possible to define a relational operation that will reconstruct R from the fragments.
Reconstruction for horizontal fragmentation is union operation and join for vertical

Disjoint ness

If data item d1 appears in fragment R1 .

Then it should not appear in any other fragment
Exception Vertical fragmentation where primary key attributes must be repeated to allow reconstruction.
For horizontal fragmentation data item is a tuple
For vertical fragmentation data item is an attribute

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