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Python Program to Calculate Electricity Bill

Write a Program in Python to Calculate Electricity Bill. 

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The rates of Electricity Per Unit are as follows
If the unit consumed <= 100, then the rate of unit is 2 = unit * 2
If the unit consumed >100 and <=200, then the rate of unit is 4 (100<unit <=200) = unit * 4
If the unit consumed>200 and <=300, then the rate of unit is 8 (200<unit<=300) = unit *8
If the unit consumed>300 and <=400, then the rate of unit is 12 (300<unit<=400) = unit *12
If the unit consumed exceed 400 then then rate of unit is 16 (unit > 400) = unit * 16

Additional Charges:
Line Rent 200 is also Added to the total bill

If total bill exceeds 2000 then 5% Tax is added in total bill

Example: Code Program
unit = int(input("Enter Units consumed"))
if unit >400:
    bill = unit*
elif unit>300:
    bill = unit*
elif unit>200:
    bill = unit*
elif unit>100:
    bill = unit*
    bill = unit*
bill = bill+200
print("bill is:", bill)
if bill>200:
    bill =bill+
print("Total Bill is:",bill)
print("Total Bill is:", bill)


bill, electricity, calculate, python, program, unit, calculate bill, calculate electricity bill, how to calculate electricity bill, Python Program to Calculate Electricity Bill, python program,

Calculate Electricity Bill - with AND Operator

Example: Code Program

unit = int(input("Enter Units consumed:"))

if unit >400:

    bill = unit*16

elif unit>300 and unit <=400:

    bill = unit*12

elif unit>200 and unit <=300:

    bill = unit*8

elif unit>100 and unit<=200:

    bill = unit*4


    bill = unit*2

bill = bill+200

print("Bill Per Unit and Lane Rent is:", bill)

if bill>2000:

    bill =bill+(bill*.05)

    print("Total Bill is:",bill)


    print("Total Bill is:", bill)


bill, electricity, calculate, python, program, unit, calculate bill, calculate electricity bill, how to calculate electricity bill, Python Program to Calculate Electricity Bill, python program,

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