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What is Distributed Database system in DBMS

Introduction, Distributed, Database, Management,System, DDS, Introduction to Distributed, Introduction to Distributed Database, Introduction to Distributed Database System, Introduction to DDS,distributed database tutorial, What is Distributed Database system

A collection of Logically Interrelated database that are spread physically across multiple locations connected by a data communication links.

Introduction, Distributed, Database, Management,System, DDS, Introduction to Distributed, Introduction to Distributed Database, Introduction to Distributed Database System, Introduction to DDS,distributed database tutorial, What is Distributed Database system

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The two important terms in this definitions are

     1.Logically Interrelated Databases
     2. Distributed Over a Computer Networks

Introduction, Distributed, Database, Management,System, DDS, Introduction to Distributed, Introduction to Distributed Database, Introduction to Distributed Database System, Introduction to DDS,distributed database tutorial, What is Distributed Database system

Main Characteristics of Distributed Database System
  • Data at multiple sites
  • Data management at each site independently
  • Local Requirements
  • Global Perspective

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