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Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Distributed Database Management Systems

Difference Between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Distributed Database Management Systems

Distributed Database System

A collection of Logically Interrelated database that are spread physically across multiple locations connected by a data communication links.

Type of Distributed Database System

  1. Homogeneous Distributed Database System
  2. Heterogeneous Distributed Database System

Homogeneous DBMS

In this type of database system, All the data center has the same type of software.
 Much easier to design and manage.
 It appears to users as a single system.

Advantages: -

          Easy to use, Manage, design.

Disadvantages: -
 Difficult for most organizations to force a homogeneous environment.

Heterogeneous DBMS
  • In this type of database, Different data center may run different DBMS products, with possibly different underlying data models.
  • Occurs when sites have implemented their own databases and integration is considered later.

Advantages: -
  • Huge data can be stored in one global center from different databases center.
  • Remote access is done using the global Schema.
  • Different DBMS may be used at each node.

Disadvantages: -
  • Difficult to design and manage.

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